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Cut the bookmarks out. 

DIY Valentine's Day (or any day) Bible Bookmarks  2/7/17



Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this DIY tutorial on how I made these cute Disney inspired bookmarks for your Bible! It is very easy to make these and  they make a perfect Valentine's Day gift for our friends! (Yes I am aware that I wrote Love twice on the red book mark but It's fixed on the download below)

Download my FREE printable at the bottom of this post!



  • FREE bookmark printable (download at the bottom of this post!) 

  • white card stock printer paper 

  • scissors

  • laminator (optional) 

  • ribbon of your choice

Print out my free printable or any pictures of your choice on white card stock paper.

Cut the bookmarks out. 

This step is optional but if you want your bookmarks to last longer, laminating them is an option. If you do not wish to do this step skip to step five.

If you followed step four, let your bookmarks cool for a couple minutes. Then cut them out again.

Hole punch the center-top of your bookmark and insert your choice of ribbon through the hole.

And that's it! You're ready to give them away!! If you recreate these make sure to send us a picture through any of our social media!! 

Download the printable !!! 

Finding your self worth in the Saviour

not in Cupid

By Cathy Flores

The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2:10: For we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works.... God never does anything halfway. I have never met a real live stick figure. A more modern term for  

workmanship would-be masterpiece. The dictionary defines Masterpiece as a person's "greatest work of art," or "consummate example of skill or excellence." So when the Bible describes you as God's  workmanship it is saying you are his masterpiece. Imagine that! Do you think that God could have been talking about you, or do you think he was speaking about someone else?? Could you try to accept the Bible's description of you?


 The dictionary defines self-worth as: the sense of one's own value or worth as a person self esteem; self respect. Your self-worth--how you see your self-- 

is often shaped by your early experiences in life. Perhaps people said wonderful things to you as a child, or maybe the people around you were cruel and abusive. Maybe you were rejected and abused, or maybe you were well loved. All of us at different points in our life experience love and rejection, and it doesn't stop when you become an adult. So if we can't rewrite history and erase the things that hurt us, or somehow fix the past offenses that told us we weren't good enough, how can we find our true value?


The world says: Our value is in our relationships. For example, when I started my first job as a teenage girl, one of the first questions I was asked by my co-workers was if I was "taken". Taken?! Where!? It took me a second or two, to understand that they wanted to know if I had a boyfriend. Well, my dad had scared away any boy that had been interested. I remembering feeling like I was slightly less important, because I was single. I felt that no one would want to marry me, and my dad kept chasing away any idiot who might have been dumb enough to think I was worth being interested in. My self-worth at that time obviously wasn't concerned with what God thought of me.


Maybe you do have a boyfriend, or maybe you don't feel the need for one, but you are obsessed with having lots of friends. Being popular. People who chase popularity are some of the most miserable, and unhappy people on earth. If you are chasing the approval of your "friends" (and I use that term loosely) you will always look to them to see if you really are valuable. How sad. Basically, you are allowing others to determine your worth. That might feed your ego for a while, as long as they like you, but as soon as they have a bad day...  you no longer have value?! Our Focus get so easily distorted and off track. As soon as you are tired of feeling lonely, sad, empty, unfulfilled, and generally miserable, you'll realize that the world is wrong. Your peers are wrong. Their recipe for happiness and fulfillment doesn't work. But I have good news: God's plan always works!


Being complete in Christ will allow you to find peace and true joy. In Psalms 63:1-5 O God, Thou Art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; 2 To see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary. 3 Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee. 4 Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name. 5 My soul shall be SATISFIED.....

Our satisfaction comes from Christ alone. Psalms 145:16 says: Thou openest thine hand, and SATISFIEST the desire of every living thing. Another verse reinforcing the fact that satisfaction and fulfillment come from God Alone. In Isaiah 58:11 And the Lord shall guide you continually, and SATISFY thy soul in drought... 

We could compare true fulfillment and satisfaction to a law of physics such as gravity. Gravity applies to everyone whether they know it or not, whether they believe it or not, and whether they like it or not. True satisfaction only come from God. That's what the Bible's teaching us here. It doesn't come from family,  friends, or romantic relationships. It comes from God. It's a gift, we cannot buy it.


When we read 2nd Corinthians 5:7 it says we walk by faith not by sight. So in other words, that means we regulate our lives, and conduct ourselves by our conviction, or belief in God, with trust. Therefore we walk.  But we need to allow the Holy Spirit to ask us what we truly believe about your relationship with God. Do you believe he loves you? If you're honest, and search your soul you might come up with the answer that I came up with more than a decade ago. I knew that God loved me, but humanly speaking I felt his love with conditional towards me. For that reason I looked to other places to try to satisfy the longing I felt inside, I was wrong. And so are you.  The Bible teaches us that God loves us perfectly. Or unconditionally his perfect love is not based on anything except his own Perfection. Read first John 4:8. He always loves us. Saturate your mind with the truth in God's word. It is filled with reminders of his unconditional love for you. He will never leave you. In Romans 8:35 He says nothing can separate you from his love. Don't try to get your identity from others, don't let the enemy steal your identity. You are God's Masterpiece! Believe it!

Dear Friend,

By Laura Flores

Relationships… we all need them. We have been brought up with them in mind since we were children, there really isn’t a place where you can run away from them. Whether it be in school, work or family; not to mention the most important relationship: the relationship between God and others. It is rare the person that can live a life without any sort of relationship, even so, sooner or later we all need some sort of communion. There’s a saying that goes along the lines of: “they’re your friends, until they see you doing better than them.” Though, one as a Christian, need to be careful of the worldly influence towards the subject of “friendship”. We can seek advice from our close family members and mentors, but one place I like to look at when it comes to this subject is in the Bible.

There’s no greater example of true and pure friendships than the ones God has left for us in His Word. Many times, we overlook the simple principles that can help us form that beautiful friendship that God intended for us since the beginning of time.                                                 

I’d like to show you one of the many examples that have been a blessing to me and I pray that they can be of a blessing to you as well. It is found in the book of 1 Samuel chapter 18-20. The story of Jonathan and David.


  1. God first

Just as we see this story unfold with Saul, the king of Israel, chasing after David to kill him. When we read of all the honor and glory he was getting from the people after he defeated the philistines. King Saul began to dislike David from that point on

(I Sm. 18:6-10). This eventually leads to Saul’s hatred of David to the point that he seeks after David to kill him. One might think, Jonathan, King Saul’s son, is David’s best friend, and that this would bring conflict between Jonathan and his own father. Now a day, if the parents of our friends didn’t like us, we would ask them “Why do your parents hate me?” But while this whole situation is going on, one thing that pops out from their friendship is that every time they promised something they added God in their decisions (1 Sm. 20:16-17).

For us to have a good solid friendship, it is necessary to have God in between our plans. Only God knows the moments when we might disagree with our friends, but since God is the One Who is going to be in between, you will be able to forgive and help each other rather than to end a good friendship for a simple disagreement. Jonathan and David had a godly and Christ-centered friendship, but the key that sustained it was putting God in their friendship.


  1. Loyalty in adversity

As we keep following along with the story, there comes a point in which the king, sets up a banquette, in which he has planned to kill David when he arrives (1Sm. 20:1-32). Once Jonathan is informed of what his father plans to do to David, he advises him of the danger he will faces if he arrives at the dinner. Jonathan and David come up with a plan with certain signals, in which they would communicate. David was to hide in the fields for 3 days, while Jonathan observed his father reaction towards David’s absence. If Saul were to be at ease for the absences then Jonathan would go out to the field and shoot arrows pointing towards the rocks, and a young boy would retrieve them and Jonathan would say expressively that the arrows were on this side, which meant that David was safe from Saul. On the other hand, if Jonathan were to shoot the arrows and when he was to send the young man, he would call out and say that the arrows were beyond him, then David was to run because his life was at danger. On the second night of the dinner, Saul asked Jonathan the reason for David’s absence, and as presumed, Saul raised up in anger when he was told that David had asked to be excused to go to Bethlehem (1 Sm. 20:33-42). Although Saul tried to cast a javelin to Jonathan for covering up for David, he didn’t give in.

It is so easy to turn our backs to a friend when our own reputation is at danger. Many times, we don’t like to pay the price of keeping a friendship and it’s just easier to give into the pressure of turning in our friends because of a disagreement. I am not talking about covering up their wrong doings, but rather to stay loyal in difficult times. I believe this is the moment to cultivate good solid friendships for a lifetime and even future generations. It is not wise to just look at the situation for the moment being, but to look for our future generations. To make an emphasis on I samuel 20:40-42, once David came out from his hiding, they sealed their friendship, that even though they were parting different ways, there friendship was to be kept for the future, in which God was to be the keeper of it. They were dear heartfelt friends, a true example of putting one’s life for their God based friendship.


As simple as it may seem, we sometimes fail to keep such basic principles of a true and pure friendship, in which God can be the center of it and to keep loyalty to one another.

You want to serve the Lord, you desire on being a Godly girl. Well here are 3 Christian guys who describe what s Godly Girl looks to them.

True Beauty

-This world focuses on outward appearance which is why we spend so much on materials-

Genesis 24:1-67

In this chapter of Genesis we see what I believe is the best love story of all time. How Abraham sends his servant to seek wife for his son Isaac. So the servant (They really should have said the servants name, I feel bad calling him "The Servant" for the rest of this story, but it will have to do.) So anyways he goes off to find a wife for his masters son. 

 The Test: How Will I Know if She’s the Right One?

The servant did the right thing here. He prayed! I’m sure there was a lot of prayer before and during the trip. The servant asked God for a very detail sign in order to know which girl to pick for Isaac.

The Choice:

So the question is, how did he choose her? Well here we have 3 points that I believe the servant looked for and that we as Christian girls should strive to follow.

1. Her Purity (Virgin) 

Genesis 24:16 "And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her"

He saw her way of being and behavior; How do you get along with the boys? I  don't necessarily mean if you're a virgin or not; I mean how do you act when you are with them? Are you flirty and follow them around? As Christian girls we should be pure in the way we carry ourselves in front of guys. Trust me you don't want to be known as the girl who goes bananas when she's around guys (not very attractive

2. Her Courtesy

Courtesy: "the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others"

Rebekah appeared—before the servant finished praying, according to verse 15! Furthermore, not only did she give the servant some water, but she drew enough water for 10 camels!! A research that I made said that a THIRSTY camel can drink approximately 30 gallons in about 13 minutes. Like what in the world!! Imagine that!To be honest I can in away relate to Rebekah; Everyday (especially in the summer) when my dad gets home to work he can drink up to 5 glasses of water!! and there I am running back and forth getting the water. But Rebekah in her gentleness offered herself to serve this stranger.  How do people know you?  How do you treat your parents? Do  you complain when someone asks for help?

Philippians 4:5 says "Let your moderation be known unto all men"  People should know you as a gentle hard working girl who loves helping others and reflects Jesus's attitude with others.

4. Her Rapid Obedience 

So after the servant knew she was the one and gave her gifts for her and her family, He told them it was time for them to go back so she could be wed to Isaac. And well her family said, no lets wait a couple of days. So they bring Rebekah and ask her if she was willing to leave right away with him; and her response was very different to what most of us would probably say. She didn't ask for some time and at least spend some last few days with her family or say goodbye to friends; she said "I will go" She didn't question why now and not later, she simply obeyed. And that's one thing we have to learn girls, when the authority asks something from us we don't have to question we have to just obey. And for our obedience we will sooner or later be rewarded.


                                                                               -  Jannet

While you wait for 

your  Prince Charming

By: Grecia Guel

What to do while you wait

 Most of us do not like waiting. We don't like waiting in the lines of the mall, lines at Walmart mart, lines on the road, restaurants, stoplights, you name it, we don't like it. We live in a fast society where with the touch of a finger we can get whatever we want and I think that has made us more impatient. So what to do while we wait for that "special someone " well there is a passage from the Bible that has brought much comfort to me. In I Timothy 4:13-16 the apostle Paul gives some instructions to the young Timothy, that have been an incredible help to me and I hope they can be useful to you as well, today we will see only verse 13.


Till I come, give  attendance to reading, to doctrine

1. "Till I come"  we all know He is coming again, He has promised so, but sometimes the way we live seems as though we are going to live for a very long time and we are not accountable to anyone, but that cannot be farther from the truth, life goes by very fast, and if we are not diligent in planning our days wisely we will wake up one day with many regrets, for time never comes back. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Revelations 22:20.

2. Give attendance "to reading "I do certainly hope you're reading your Bible every day, and that you're being "attentive " as you read it.If I can make a suggestion it's to always have a pen and a little notebook with you as you read your Bible, that will make your reading time a lot more effective and it will help you to remain focus. But not only should you read your Bible, but also some good Christian books, health books, history books, classical novels, biographies. Why? you may ask, well I personally think that there's not a person that should be more prepared than a Christian person. Reading is not only a great habit, that gives you confidence, and knowledge but it's also great for the brain. Make it a habit this year to at least read a book per month or ten pages per day.

3. Give attendance "To exhortation" according to the dictionary exhortation is "to strongly encourage or to persuade someone " Well, as young women (most of us still living at home) I'm sure you can think of a couple of people there that live with you that are constantly "exhorting you" whether it is an advice, suggestion or a punishment, our PARENTS are always exhorting us. God knew that as children we were going to be reluctant to "listening and receiving the advice" therefore He left us this verse : Proverbs 3:11 My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; neither be weary of his correction. (Just saying that includes the correction our Lord gives us throughout our earthly parents) Then He gives us a wonderful explanation on the next verse: (12) For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. What a wonderful verse, in those who are Lord delights, He actually takes the time to invest and to mold. So instead of getting mad when you're exhorted or corrected, try thinking - Wow My Heavenly Father and my parents love me so much that they're investing in me-

4. Give attendance " to doctrine ". As a young person ( that is no longer a child) you cannot depend on the convictions of your pastor or your parents only, you must know why you believe what you believe. Why do you believe in God? Why do you go to church on Sundays? Why do you dress the way you do? Why don't you look, act or react like everyone else? How come you're different? If someone from a different religion would come up to you with questions about basic doctrine, could you answer them confidently with Bible verses? If not, it's time to study. It's important to question yourself, but you must be ready to respond to yourself (and the rest of the world) because believe me, you will be questioned and we must be prepared with a solid answer based in the best foundation, the Bible.

So I want to leave you with a couple of challenges. Why don't you decide this year to get deeper in Scripture, by reading, memorizing and fulfilling Bible Principles? Try to read and study more, listen with a better attitude, and to meticulously study some Bible principles, I think doing this truly will help you!

Much love, Grecia Guel. 

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