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Know Your Worth

Modesty A Matter Of The Heart

First things first. You are NOT an accident. Forget what people have told you because God designed you "Fearfully and Wonderfully!!" He had every detail of you determined before you where even born! Our "defects" arise by using the measure of the world that determines what it is acceptable and what it is not. But the Lord calls us beautiful in His sight; and for that matter we are worth even more!1 You! Yes YOU, you where created in His image and for that we are called to be set apart, to be Holy for his Honor and Glory. What I'm trying to say ladies is that we should honor God, honor him in the way you speak act, and the way you dress. Here we go again with modesty and how I can't wear this and can't wear that. Modesty Is more than wearing a blouse that covers you or a skirt below your knee; Modesty is a matter of the heart. Wearing modest clothes is only half of being a Christian, it all starts with your attitude, the way you speak the way you carry yourself. 


-What you are on the inside reflects on the outside-


If you are self-centered and prideful then no mater how modest you may look on the outside but your heart is far from honoring God.  "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefaceness and sobriety"

1 Timothy 2:9. The idea of being shamefaceness is to feel embarrassment while being dressed immodest- Miriam Salazar.  Now days there is no shame in being dressed in modest and showing off your body; we live in a society where "less is more" the worlds thinking is that you must forget the boundaries, wear what makes you feel "Hot", "attractive". That's the worlds thinking, but you are not of this world you are the daughter of the King and precious because He is your designer.  


-Take a stand-

It's time that we stand up for what we believe in, don't fall for the lies the world tells you. You are a woman of dignity and virtue. Enough is enough and it's time we dress as the daughter of the King. Stand strong, stand firm and don't bend to this world. 


Now after having said that, we know it's hard we've been in your shoes. We understand that sometimes it can be difficult and even overwhelming but I promise it's worth it. And because of that we were inspired on sharing our outfits with you! 

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